“Can science and religion scholarship become more public-facing and speak directly to the social and political issues that shape our everyday lives? The Critical Approaches to Science and Religion Symposium is an opportunity for scholars to explore the possibilities opened up when insights from three areas of critical theory—critical-race theory, feminist and queer theory, and postcolonial theory—are brought to bear on the field. This symposium aims to expand the range and depth of issues addressed by scholars who have committed themselves to helping public and academic audiences understand how religious belief and scientific practices mimic the power relationships and political norms that govern our understanding of race, gender, and empire.”

From the symposium website available here

Hosted by the Department of Classics and World Religions and the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Program, Ohio University; funded and supported by a grant from the Templeton World Charity Foundation


Symposium on Law and Literature


Status and Justice in Law, Religion, and Society